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III Fórum Internacional em PIE
Fortalecendo o ecossistema de evidências para políticas de Saúde

Event Date
September 26, 2023
Event Location
Deadline for Registration
New Enrollments Closed!

Price List

Category Until 1/1/2024
Attendee Free

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Date: September 26, 2023, tuesday

Time: from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM
(Brasília time/UTC: -03:00)


Those interested in evidence-informed policy-making (EIPM), including participants from other countries.


Opening (2:00 PM - 2:30 PM): Representatives from the Ministry of Health (MS), Sírio-Libanês Hospital (HSL), National Council of Health Secretaries (CONASS), National Council of Municipal Health Secretaries (CONASEMS) and Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

Panel 1 (2:30 PM - 3:40 PM): Health policy ecosystem of evidence
- Ludovic Reveiz (Leader of the knowledge translation/actionable intelligence for Health Department at the Pan American Health Organization - PAHO, United States): Producing evidence for health policies in the American countries.
- John Lavis (Director of the Health Forum, McMaster University, Canada): Implementing recommendations from the Global Commission on evidence to respond to social challenges.
- Patrícia Couto (General Coordinator of Health Evidence of the Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia da Secretaria de Tecnologia, Inovação e Complexo da Saúde do Ministério da Saúde of the Ministry of Health of Brazil): The Ministry of Health's role in strengthening evidence-informed decision-making in health policies and systems in Brazil.
Moderator: Laura Boeira (Executive Director of the Veredas Institute, Brazil).

Exposition (3:40 PM - 4:15 PM): WHO's Global Plan to Strengthen and Boost the Use of Evidence in Health Policies and Systems.
Speaker: Tanja Kuchenmüller (Head of the Policy and Impact Evidence Unit at the World Health Organization, Switzerland).
Moderator: Shelly-Ann Rachael Hunte (Evidence Hub of Latin America and the Caribbean, Trinidad and Tobago).

Break (4:15 PM - 4:30 PM)

Panel 2 (4:30 PM - 5:45 PM): Tools for Promoting Evidence Use (with a focus on ESPIE Project products - 2021-2023 Triennium).
- Rachel Riera (Coordinator of the Health Technology Assessment Unit/HSL and ESPIE Project Specialist/HSL, Brazil): Communication strategies for using evidence for managers and the general population.
- Jorge Barreto (Public Health Researcher at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation of Brazil and ESPIE Project Specialist/HSL, Brazil): Competency profile of the Evidence-Informed Policy professional in Brazil.
- Davi Romão (Consultant in Evidence-Informed Health Policy at the Evidence to Policy and Impact Unit/Research for Health Department/Science Division at WHO, Brazil): Guide for implementing a Health Evidence Core - NEv.
Moderator: Silvio Fernandes da Silva (Coordinator of the ESPIE Project/HSL).

Closing (5:45 PM - 6:00 PM)

Check out our latest transmissions

Panel - Competence Profile of EIPM Professionals in Brazil - Click here

Panel Strategies for Communicating Health Evidence to Managers and the Public - Click here


Check out published documents

Competence Profile of EIPM Professionals in Brazil (in portuguese) - Click here

Policy Brief - Strategies for Communicating Health Evidence to Managers and the Public (in portuguese) - Click here